
Refund Policy

Return and Refund Policy
For your satisfaction and delight, we ensure that you always get food delivered according to your requirements. Our return and refund policy enhances the trust of our customers in our determination to provide you the best of experience.

Cancellation of an order
In general cancellation is not encouraged/accepted as this is for delivery of food and food preparation starts immediately. Hence, if you cancel the order after the food preparation has started, the cancellation is not acceptable and hence the payment is non-refundable. However, do give us a call immediately under extenuating circumstances where you would have to cancel the order so that we could double check if food preparation has not yet started. We may consider the payment amount as credit for future usage in rare but valid circumstances.

Wrong Order Our team ensures that you get the right food delivered at your place at the right time. However, if you get a wrong order/item delivered, you can simply contact us and let us know. We will make suitable changes/corrections in the transactions to ensure that you are delighted at the end of the day.

Bad food

Though we always cook our food with the freshest ingredients, we feel that it is our responsibility to provide assurance regarding the quality of our food. If you feel that the food quality is not as per your expectations – please do call us and let us know. We will take care of you to ensure you are happy and continue to keep faith in us.

Contact us in case of any queries!

There are various terms and conditions that we include to ensure the perfection and professionalism in our services. So, if you feel the need to know more about our refund and return policies, feel free to give us a call. Our management team is always there to answer all your questions and help you out with the ordering.

We want to make sure that you receive the best quality food and enjoy at your own place! Bon Appetit!